CFP (pdf) CFP(doc) CFP(txt)
The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Internet of People deals with the different aspects related to personal information collection, characters modeling, and applications.
Authors are encouraged to submit unpublished original research works in one of the following topics
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Biometric Sensors and Identification
Wearable Technology and Body Sensor Networks
Brain Informatics Sensing and Processing
Social Computing, Social Internet of Things and Swarm Intelligence Networks
Human-centric Cyber-Physical Systems
Internet of Thinking and Creation
Crowd Sensing, Sourcing and Wisdom
Affective Computing, Ubiquitous Social Computing
Brain-Computer Interface/Brain-Machine Interface
IoP System Modeling, Simulation and Optimization
e-Learning and MOOCs
Mobile and Smart Healthcare
Deep Learning and Urban Computing
Mobility, Connected Vehicle and Transportation
Security, Privacy and Trust Issues in IoP
IoP Social and Ethical Issues
IoP Applications, Implementation, and Exploitation