Selected Papers & Program > Selected Papers

Regular papers:

Xiaoping Che and Yiran Wang. 
How to Keep People Playing Mobile Games: An Experience Requirements Testing Approach

David Durward, Ivo Blohm and Jan Marco Leimeister. 
Is There PAPA in Crowd Work? - A Literature Review on Ethical Dimensions in Crowdsourcing

Kevin Laubis, Viliam Simko and Alexander Schuller. 
Crowd Sensing of Road Conditions and its Monetary Implications on Vehicle Navigation

IoP-4 Xi Zhou, Junqi Guo and Rongfang Bie. 
Deep learning based Affective Model for Speech Emotion Recognition

Constantin Scheuermann, Maximilian Strobel, Bernd Bruegge and Stephan Verclas. 
Increasing the Support to Humans in Factory Environments using a Smart Glove: An Evaluation

Lynda Haddadi and Farida Bouarab Dahmani.
An assessment planner for MOOCs based ODALA approach

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